Serving at FRC is more than being a warm body in a room or filling a time slot, it's about building relationships for Christ. With that in mind, our prayer is that you'd be open to signing up to serve in one or more of the following areas.
SproutsAges 3 years old - 5 years old
Sundays, 9:30 am - 10:15 am, Sprouts Room Lead children ages three - PreK each Sunday during the Sunday School hour as they hear a Bible story, play games, have a snack & sing songs. Sign up to serve on a rotational schedule. |
Children & Youth Sunday SchoolKindergarten - 5th Grade
Sundays, 9:30 am - 10:15 am, Kid's Zone Room (Lower level of the Education wing) Time at Sunday School is an environment for children and youth to grow in faith & build relationships. Serve to teach children & youth the truths & stories of the Bible. Sign up to serve on a rotational schedule. |
Kids ConnectKindergarten - 5th Grade
Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 pm, Kids Zone Room (Lower level of the Education wing) Kids Connect is the Wednesday night program for K-5th graders. Kids engage through fun activities, immersive Bible lessons & lively events. Sign up to assist the kids with small group discussions, activities & games. |
Not sure which area you want to serve?
We'd love to connect with you to find a fit!